
Looking to buy memorabilia from your favourite series and support the creators? Here you will find information on figurines, plushes, books, CDs and more!

⚠️ Important Information

#Delivery Types

Delivery TypesValueShipping SpeedOffered as OptionMode of Tranportation
Surface MailLowest-CostSlowestOffered🚒
SAL (Economic Airmail)Low-CostSlow2Not Offered1✈️
EMS (Express Mail Service)Highest-CostFastestOffered✈️
  1. The option for SAL shipments are temporarily unavailable due to covid protocols. You can find JP Post's service availability by country here
  2. Combine the reasonable"ish" rate of surface, with somewhat the faster duration of airmail, but still less priority than airmail

Illustration of speed of the options
Illustration of speed of the options

#Agent Types

  • Forwarder
    • Used in cases when you want to buy goods/Items, but the service or person doesn't ship overseas. You then rely on a forwarder, that will give you a temporary Japanese address to which you can ship the things you need. The forwarder will charge you storage fees + international shipping to send the goods/items to you. You can simply think of this as someone that literally forwards the goods to you, because you don't have a Japanese address of your own.
  • Proxy
    • Someone acting on your behalf that buys, accepts, and ships the goods to you, unlike a forwarder. Generally, recommended for beginners (especially if you are nervous about buying stuff online), however more expensive. They will charge you the purchase fees for the goods + domestic shipping + international shipping fees + any additional fees as per their policy.

#Additional Guides







#Manga, Anime, OST & Others